Who would go into battle with lovely yellow artillery pieces? Well, I'm glad they did; I love artillery on the wargames tables and I particularly enjoy a splash of colour from these chaps.
I bought enough artillery to field a full corps plus some reserves. Although the PoW lists don't go that far, there are some historical lists that call for bigger forces. My artillery consists of heavy, medium, horse artillery and rocket troops. These here are the heavies and medium batteries, the horse and rocket batteries are still being painted.
This is the heavy battery which is listed in some OOBs for usually one battery in a field division of a corp, which other heavy batteries usually reserved.
These are probably QRF guns with Lancashire crews
Comparison of the heavy battery with the 4lb medium battery. I use the same 4lb guns but with two crew to represent horse artillery.
Three medium batteries |
Clearly not a tactical formation!