Monday, 9 June 2014

Nine Austrian infantry battalions 15mm

Each brigade of Austrian infantry should have 6 battalions ( 2 regiments) plus one of Jaegers. So here I have nine battalions for 1.5 brigades. Still a load more to buy and paint up although I've already finished the command stands for the absent battalions. Each regiment has one white Leibfahnen and two yellow standartfahnen.

Here are elements of the first battalion, figures by Lancashire 15mm, Flags from QRF.

 As much as I like these figures the guys at advance are too deep for the bases with their projecting bayonets, making it very difficult to form them into march column without injury.

Normally there'd be a lot more room between ranks. We don't want any of that pesky artillery overshoot do we?
Two regiments of line infantry

Austrian dragoons, two regiments 15mm Essex

Well , I pretty sure they're Essex - big fat heads on the horses!

I don't think these are in the PoW lists, but they do turn up in historical OOBs so I've got some just in case. Whilst cavalry are little use on the battlefield in a heavy role, they are handy for tying up enemy units and scouting. One day my flags will arrive from QRF and I can finish these.

Here they are formed up for review, sans guidons.
I like the Essex figures ( although the horses heads are a bit comical) as they are easy to paint with nice defined detail. The bases are very narrow making it difficult to base them up on strips for painting.

Next projects are Hussars in two different uniforms - 1859 and 1864-66.

Austrian Artillery 15mm

Who would go into battle with lovely yellow artillery pieces? Well, I'm glad they did; I love artillery on the wargames tables and I particularly enjoy a splash of colour from these chaps.

I bought enough artillery to field a full corps plus some reserves. Although the PoW lists don't go that far, there are some historical lists that call for  bigger forces. My artillery consists of heavy, medium, horse artillery and  rocket troops. These here are the heavies and medium batteries, the horse and rocket batteries are still being painted.

This is the heavy battery which is listed in some OOBs for usually one battery in  a field division of a corp, which other heavy batteries usually reserved.
These are probably QRF guns with Lancashire crews

Comparison of the heavy battery with the 4lb medium battery. I use the same 4lb guns but with two crew to represent horse artillery.
Three medium batteries

Clearly not a tactical formation!